About The Brand,

Let's start with the name why wabi sabi,

Wabi Sabi is Japanese word where wabi & sabi are terms describing the seance of beauty. Now there is a question why with hem. so we wanted to convey a message that let's find a seance of beauty with hem.

How we started the brand,

Hem always wanted to become a fashion designer. After completing her graduation from JD Institute Of Fashion Technology she stared to working in a known mass manufacture company where she learned a lot about different type of embroidery as well as digital printing and a lot about fabrics.After working there for three and half years world faced a Covid-19 pandemic. After the pandamic she lost her job at the mass manufacture company but she stay focused on her goals she maintained her passion, and continue to adapt to the changing landscape. She embrace the lessons learned during this extraordinary time, and let them shape her brand's unique identity.Hem have a ability to find opportunities amidst chaos and finally she stared her brand Wabi Sabi With Hem In october,2020.

  Our Goal,

Our vision for the future at Wabi Sabi With Hem is to become a fashion brand that champions ethical production while celebrating traditional craftsmanship.
We are committed to creating a world where everyone has access to clothes that not only serve a purpose but also promote a healthier and more equitable society. Our garments are not just pieces of clothing, but expressions of individuality and confidence, crafted with the utmost care and attention to detail. 

The idea that we work with,

We envision a future where the fashion industry is no longer synonymous with wastefulness and exploitation. Our vision is to inspire a shift in the fashion industry towards conscious consumerism, where people can look and feel their best while making a positive impact on the people who make their clothes. At Wabi Sabi, we believe that fashion can be beautiful, meaningful, and responsible. We believe that every garment should be made with care and purpose, from the materials used to the people who create it. Our vision is to create a global community of conscious consumers who value quality craftsmanship, ethical production, and timeless style.

The people we work with,

 We strive to create a world where traditional craftsmanship is honored and rural communities thrive through meaningful employment opportunities.

We see a world where rural artisans are empowered and celebrated for their unique skills, and where every person feels confident and beautiful in their clothing. Through collaborative efforts with rural communities, we aim to create livelihood opportunities for artisans and empower them to take control of their lives and their craft.

The way as a brand we work,

 Here at Wabi Sabi With Hem each garment is made to order only to ensure we don't get into the mass production, we believe in taking small steps to be a little more careful in terms of how we operate, and constantly aim at reducing our carbon footprint.

We proudly identify as a "Make in India" brand, So, every time you purchase from us, you're promoting a local business which further contributes to the Indian economyas well. The entire process of designing of the garment, to sampling the prototype to sourcing the necessary trims to finalizing the garment design to supplying it to our customers every thing happens in house only.